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Trauma refers to the psychological and emotional response to distressing events or experiences that overwhelm one's ability to cope. Traumatic events can vary widely, including experiencing or witnessing accidents, abuse, natural disasters, or the sudden loss of a loved one. It is common to experience difficulty adjusting and coping after a traumatic event, however with time, good self-care, good coping skills and a strong support system, most people can recover from a traumatic event. However, not everyone has had the opportunity to build these capacities or develop strong social supports. Therefore, for others, the psychological impact of a traumatic event can last months or years, and can result in severe emotional distress and impairments in every-day life. These individuals may develop Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), a diagnosis for a trauma-related condition characterised by flashbacks, nightmares, hyper-vigilance, dissociation, avoidance of potential triggers, substance use, changes in cognition and mood, heightened anxiety, and risk taking behaviour. Not all trauma will meet the specific criteria for a diagnosis of PTSD, however will still be deeply distressing and require therapy.

There are several factors that can increase someone's vulnerability of developing PTSD following a traumatic event. This includes severity of threat, lack of good coping mechanisms, inadequate social support, relationship stressors, other life stressors, repeated exposure to trauma, childhood trauma, a family history of depression and anxiety, and a previous episode of unresolved trauma. 


There are a range of therapies that are highly effective at treating PTSD, including ISTDP, DBT and Mindfulness. We cannot change what has happened to us, however, we can heal the wound and reduce the impact. Acknowledging and addressing trauma is crucial for fostering healing and building resilience. Click here to book your first appointment and start your journey with us. 

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